summer cola drink

i rarely drink any fizzy drinks/sodas, but if i do, it is in summer. while at parties or family meetings everyone prefers some cold cocktail, i opt for non-alcoholic mixes, as i never drink alcohol. this is one of my favourite drinks, herby and tangy, sweet but not too much. if you use cola zero/light, it also has literally no calories, unlike most cocktails that include syrups. 

summer non-alcoholic drink

coca cola with no gas (i prefer coke zero)
a handful of mint leaves
a handful of lemon balm leaves
0,5 l spring water
lemon or lime

to make infusion: boil the water with herbs for a few minutes, cool down (without taking the leaves out, the flavour will be stronger)
mix coke with infusion in 3:1 ratio, add slice of lemon, serve cold


  1. Warming and comforting! It will be great in winter :)
